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Driving Directions

  1. From US-101 North:
    (if you are going north on US-101 from Santa Barbara or Los Angeles)
    1. Take the Storke/Glen Annie exit.
    2. Turn LEFT at the intersection (towards the ocean).
    3. Continue over the bridge, past the traffic light, and down the hill.
    From US-101 South:
    (if you are going south on US-101 from San Luis Obispo or Lompoc)
    1. Take the Storke/Glen Annie exit.
    2. Turn RIGHT at the intersection (towards the ocean).
    3. Continue down the hill.
  2. Continue straight past 3 traffic lights to the intersection of Storke and El Colegio.
  3. Go STRAIGHT THROUGH the intersection and then right.
  4. Turn left ALMOST IMMEDIATELY onto West Campus Lane (right after the gravel parking lot).
  5. At the next intersection, turn right and go down the hill.
  6. When you come to the island divider in the middle of the road,
    • If you're looking for houses 900-929, go straight ahead.
    • If you're looking for houses 930-979, turn left.
  7. Houses are located in clusters based on the tens digit of their house number.

These images are modified versions of images by Rand McNally.

map of driving directions route map of driving directions destination
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